Thursday, April 18, 2013

Writers Unite to Fight Cancer- Writing Contest!

I attended the ceremony last year announcing the winners of WUFC. It is a fun contest and the proceeds go to a worthy cause. Read on!

The Second Annual WUFC  Writing Contest is open for submissions from April 16th, 2013 - August 15th, 2013. 
Writers Unite to Fight Cancer (WUFC) is a group of authors who raise money for cancer research.
This year's theme will be the Drive to Thrive.

Everyone over the age of 18 is eligible to enter. May have been published before, or be a first time writer. Subject matter may be on any topic as long as it follows the theme of the Drive to Thrive.

Entry Fee is $30.00 per submission. There is no limit to the number of submissions allowed. The funds raised from entry fees and sales of books above the cost of production will be donated to the combined cancer research program at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Arizona State University under the Direction of Robert Waters.

Categories / Genres:  Word Counts limited to 4000 words.

Fiction Short Stories or partial novels - all genres middle grade up to adult: Mystery, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopia, Historical,                                 Steam Punk, Inspirational, Paranormal, Speculative, Romance, Suspense, Western

Non-Fiction - Memoir / auto-biography, Self-help, Motivational, Inspirational, Spiritual, Essay or Editorial.

(Partial novels / books  must have a resolution within the text submitted.)

Do Not Submit: Horror, Erotica, Poetry, gratuitous violence, Foul or Vulgar language.

 Maximum Word Count for all submissions is 4000 words.
 Finalists and Winners will be given the opportunity to be published in the 2nd WUFC Writing Contest Anthology if they are willing work with one of our editors – at no charge.
 All entries must be received by midnight 8/16/13. Send submissions to:

Margaret L. Turley, Administrator                      
1146 N. Mesa Dr. #102-233
Mesa, AZ 85201                          
480-586-7902 – cell phone

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My e-Novels are on Sale!

Walnut Springs Press is having a Spring Sale and my novels are available as ebooks on Amazon!

The Star Prophecy
Chocolate Roses
Haunts Haven

Happy springtime from the Sowards in Thailand!